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The Settings page in the app provides a comprehensive suite of options to customize and enhance your learning experience:

Global Settings

  • UI Settings: Customize the user interface to your preference.
  • Fonts and Furigana: Adjust the font size and style for better readability.
  • Frequency Color: Change the color coding used to indicate the frequency of words or kanji usage.
  • Search Filters

Edit Cards

The "Edit Cards" feature allows you to tailor your learning by organizing and customizing kanji cards according to your study preferences.

  • Accessing Edit Mode: Open any kanji/word card in the dictionary and tap on the "Edit" icon at the top of the card.
  • Customizing Your Card: Use the drag handles to reorder the information segments on the card or use the visibility toggles to show or hide specific elements.
  • Saving Your Preferences: Once you're satisfied with the new layout and content visibility, just tap "Done" to save your preferences.