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Welcome to Your Learning Dashboard

The dashboard has a lot of information that you can use to optimize your use of Kanjiverse. In the future, we will add more customization to it.

Random Word

  • Purpose: Introduces new vocabulary in a randomized manner to help expand your lexicon in surprising and engaging ways.
  • How it works: Each day, you'll find a new word displayed on your dashboard under "Random Word", tailored to your user level. This section includes the word's meaning and categories it belongs to, such as nouns or adjectives.

Random Sentence

  • Purpose: Offers a randomly selected sentence daily to demonstrate the practical use of Japanese in real-life contexts.
  • How it works: Beneath the Random Word section, the "Random Sentence" provides an example sentence showcasing how various elements of Japanese grammar and vocabulary come together.

Sentence Explorer

The dashboard features a selection of media options for sentences. You can explore AI-generated sentences, as well as sentences created by other users, across various categories such as Movies, TV Shows, Manga/Anime, Games, Music, Books, and News.

  • Home Button: Tapping the Home icon will bring you back to the Dashboard from any other screen within the app.
  • History: Access your history to review words, kanji, or sentences you've previously studied.
  • Search: Utilize the search icon to quickly find specific words, kanji, or grammar points within the app.
  • My Stuff: This section stores all your bookmarked items such as favorite kanji, words, or sentences. It's a personalized space where you can keep the content you find most useful for quick reference.
  • Account: Tap here to access your account settings and login information. Manage app settings, adjust preferences, or update your profile and password.

Tips for Using Your Dashboard

  • Regular Visits: Make a routine of visiting the dashboard daily to encounter new words and sentences, ensuring a steady exposure to the language.
  • Engage with Content: Don’t just read the words and sentences; try to use them. Write them out, say them aloud, or use them in conversations.
  • Explore Deeply: Dive deeper into the examples provided. Understanding the context in which words and sentences are used can significantly boost your language comprehension.