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Kanji Dictionary

Kanji Cards

To show or hide different cards in your Kanji Dictionary, go to Settings -> Kanji Cards. Simply toggle the visibility switch to show or hide any of the feature cards.

You can also toggle the visibility on each of the feature's own Settings' page.

Glyph Graph

The Glyph Graph is a visual tool within the app that helps you understand the structure and composition of Kanji characters by breaking them down into their constituent components. In the graph:

  • Each node represents a component of the character, showing how complex characters are constructed from simpler parts.
  • Lines connect these components to show their relationships and how they combine to form the complete character.
  • The graph also indicates which components are radicals or phonetic elements.
  • You can adjust settings such as the maximum depth of the graph to control how detailed the decomposition is, and toggle on options like the Radical Badge to visually differentiate radicals from phonetic components.

Stroke Order

The Stroke Order feature in the app is designed to help users learn the correct way to write kanji characters.

Here’s a brief guide on how to use this feature:

  • Stroke Order Diagram: Displays an animated guide showing the correct sequence and direction of strokes for the selected kanji. This is a great visual tool to understand how each kanji should be drawn.
  • Size Adjustment: Users can adjust the size of the kanji display using the slider. This makes it easier to see details for complex kanji.
  • Drawing Speed: The speed slider allows users to control how fast the strokes are drawn in the animation. This can be slowed down to catch every detail or sped up for a quicker review.


The Formula feature in the app provides a detailed breakdown of how complex Kanji are constructed from simpler components.

  • Displays the decomposition of a character into its constituent parts, such as radicals and other sub-components, clarifying how these elements combine to form the complete character.
  • Offers detailed views of each sub-component, including further breakdowns into smaller elements, if applicable.
  • Includes adjustable settings for Formula Max Depth Level which allows you to control the depth of the decomposition displayed.
  • Radical Badge: This toggle option can be turned on to visually indicate which components are radicals or phonetic elements, helping to understand the character's etymology and pronunciation aids.

Kanji Tags

The Kanji Tags help focus your studies on areas that are more relevant to your current learning stage, such as focusing more on phonetic components or understanding the kanji formation for advanced learners. You can customize and manage how various kanji characteristics and attributes are displayed.

Kanji Readings

The Kanji Readings shows the readings of the kanji, including On'yomi (Chinese readings) and Kun'yomi (native Japanese readings), each reading can be heard through an audio playback feature.

  • A specific icon can be shown for On'yomi and another for Kun'yomi, helping to visually distinguish between the two types of readings.
  • When enabled, this shows the detailed origin of each reading, providing more historical or etymological context, which can be especially useful for advanced learners.
  • Frequency Limit allows users to hide readings based on the usage frequency of the words in general.
  • You can toggle show or hide 'Nanori', which are readings used primarily in names. This is particularly useful for learners interested in the nuances of name pronunciations in Japanese.