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This is an example of a "List." "List" in Kanjiverse is a powerful tool for organizing your language learning journey. You can bookmark kanji, words, and sentences that you find particularly useful or interesting. This feature allows you to create multiple lists, rename them, edit their contents, and even share them with other users.

Creating a List

  • Navigate to the 'My Stuff' section of the app.

  • Tap on (+) to start a new list.

  • Select 'Create empty list' and enter a name for your list.

  • Create list with orphan sentences: This creates a list with your sentences that are not in any list. That way you can delete them all at once.

Bookmarking Items to a List

  • When you find a kanji, word, or sentence you want to save, tap the bookmark icon next to it.
  • The bookmark icon is always on the right end side of bookmarkable items, anywhere they appear (in History, Search Results, search bar suggestions, My Sentences, list content, random word/sentence in the Dashboard, sentences card, kanji readings list, etc.).
  • The icon shape is a simple bookmark that reflects if the item is in the Default List (the list pinned in My Stuff): outlined when not bookmarked, filled when bookmarked. This applies to all item types, no more exception for lists (which used to show a multi-bookmark icon) and the lock/privacy icon on owned lists and sentences was moved outside the bookmark icon.
  • The behavior is the same everywhere, tap to add/remove the item to/from the Default List, or long press to open the multi list selection menu. The only exception is within a user-owned list, the icon shows a minus sign to indicate the item will be removed from the list when tapped.
  • You can opt out of this new layout by hiding all bookmark icons in Account > Settings > UI Settings > Bookmark icon. When bookmark icons are hidden, some items can be slid to reveal the Bookmark action instead.

Sharing a List

  • Open the list you want to share.
  • Tap the lock icon at the top of your list page.
  • Choose 'Make Public' to share your list with other users.


You can export your lists of kanji, words, and sentences as CSV files to feed your favorite flashcard app.

Anki deck export and sync is on the roadmap, stay tuned for coming updates!


If you don't want to painstakingly bookmark kanji and words one by one, you can import them all at once to an existing or new lists. Same goes for sentences, you can skip the search bar sentence analyzer and parse a whole file of sentences at once. We currently support .csv, .tsv or .txt files.

Import kanji and words from plain text

  • When selecting a plain text file (.txt), all individual kanji or words found in the file will be imported.
  • If you need to import from other text formats such as html, rename the file extension to .txt to be able to select it. Direct import from URL will be added in a coming release.

Import kanji and words from CSV file

  • When importing from a tabular data file (.csv and .tsv) you need to select from which column to import the items. There must be only one kanji or word per cell. If you need less restrictions, change the file extension to .txt and import it as a plain text.
  • If not detected properly, you can change the column separator symbol (comma, semicolon, tab, etc.).
  • You can generate a CSV or TSV file from your favorite spreadsheet.

Extract sentences from a text

Sentence mining with Kanjiverse is easy. You can parse a whole file, extract individual sentences and group them in a list all at once

Import to existing list

To import to an existing list, select Import from its menu.

Managing Your Sentences

All imported sentences are automatically added to My Sentences and will stay there even if removed from the list. They can of course be individually deleted or made public one by one by there is a better way:

Batch Deletion

When deleting a list, the confirmation dialog will let you opt in to delete all the sentences it contains and remove them from My Sentences too.

Batch Sharing

When making a list public (by pressing its lock icon), you will be prompted if you want to make all its content public too.

  • Other users cannot see private items in a list even if that list is public!